As a section 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, your donation is tax deductible as allowed by federal law.

If you would like to donate to The Unity in Community Foundation general funds which will be divided between our programs as needed, please click the donate link below. We appreciate your support!
Food Pantries
I would like to designate my donation to help fill local area food pantries!
Jacob Strong/Jacob Corona Family
I would like to designate my donation to help the Jacob Corona family in their effort to keep up with expenses while Jacob faces some health obstacles!
AJ Fuentes Family
If you would like to donate to help the AJ Fuentes family in their effort to keep up with expenses while AJ awaits a new kidney, please click the donate link below. We appreciate your support!
Veterans Assistance Program
I would like to designate my donation for the Veterans Assistance Program!
Scholarship Program
I would like to designate my donation for the Scholarship Program!
CommUNITY Helping Hands
I would like to designate my donation for the CommUNITY Helping Hands Program!
By Mail
Or by mail: The Unity in Community Foundation 3019 Emerson Street Franklin Park, IL 60131